Marketing + Me + The World: Immense subject matter
In all of my travels, I notice signs, words, human interactions like everyone else. I’ve taken a zillion photos of what I see and have an opinion on each piece. I will not bore you with my tedious observations here—at least not on this page—but here are a few examples as of late.
Standing back to think about what it all means, you realize people needing people is a basic economy. Society is built on this. Economies exist because of trade. Trading happens after some form of agreement has been made between two parties. This can be a dismissive shrug at a Turkish bazaar or a stack of contracts on the desk of a New York executive; nothing happens without information exchange.
All over the world, when businesses communicate, marketing happens. Marketing is communication with the intention of educating (persuading?) a potential patron of a product being offered. Being a language of visuals and a few choice words, the global expression of marketing is as diverse as people themselves.
Come with me to observe print marketing communications as seen this summer in Italy, Spain and Turkey. Expressions of personalities and commitments to the message.
See this gallery of various visuals. Some subtle, others blatant and some so strangely European (which doesn’t equal coolness in the U.S.). You might find some new inspiration for your marketing. Or how to strip away some clutter. Give your creative director a warm and fuzzy with a new look. Ya never know, but the journey is fun.